List of species in Star Wars
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This is a list of species appearing in Star Wars media.
Species name | Description |
Humans | Sentient, intelligent, bipedal mammalian species with a small amount of hair on their bodies. They come in two sexes - male and female. Their skin color ranges from lighter shades of beige to darker shades of brown. Other species which resembled humans are referred to as "humanoids". |
Kiffars | Kiffars are a near-human species that looks almost exactly like humans. Their skin comes in darker tones. The only way to distinguish them from humans is through their scarlet blood and facial tattoos which indicated clan affiliation. |
Mirialans | Near-human species that shares many traits with humans, except their skin color which could come in shades of green, yellow, pink, and on rare occasions - purple. They usually sport traditional facial tattoos. |
Umbarans | Near-human species, which is most notable for its pale skin. Umbarans usually have white hair or colorless eyes, although some specimens have pale blue irises. Their characteristic trait is the ability to see the ultraviolet spectrum. |
Chiss | Near-human species that shares many traits with humans. Chiss' biggest distinction is their blue skin. They also possess black-blue hair and completely red eyes. They're slightly taller than humans on average, and have better hearing sense. |
Kage | The Kage are a near-human species. Their skin usually comes in pale colors, hair is black or blond, and their eyes can be green, gold or pink. Not much is known about them, besides the fact that they're athletic. |
Twi'leks | Tall, near-human species. They come in many more colors than other near-human species. Instead of hair on their head, they sport lekku - tentacle-like appendages. They usually have two of those, but certain specimens could be found with four. Male twi'leks have characteristic skull structure with two bumps on the forehead, while female twi'leks are known for having cone-shaped hearing organs instead of ears. |
Pantorans | Near-human species. They have blue skin, similar to Chiss, but unlike them, they do not have the red eyes. Instead they have eyes similar to humans, with black or gold irises. They're known for being able to withstand lower temperatures than humans. |
Zabraks (Iridonian) | Subspecies of near-human Zabraks that live on Iridonia. They have similar skin color to humans, with it ranging from light to darker tones. There are also unique symmetrical patterns on their skin. They possess two hearts. Their head is surrounded by a ring of horns. The size and number of horns varies across the species. |
Zabraks (Dathomirian males) | Also known as the Nightbrothers, they are a subspecies of Zabraks living on Dathomir. They're similar to their Iridonian counterparts, but their skin is red, orange or yellow instead. They highlight the patterns on their skin with black tattoos. They possess a strong connection to the dark side of the Force. Nightbrothers seem to be all Force-sensitive, although they seemingly can't manipulate it until they go through the Force training. |
Nightsisters (Dathomirian females) | Although their origin is uncertain, it's possible that they're a subspecies of humans, or human-Zabrak hybrids, inhabiting Dathomir. Their skin is pale white or light gray. Sometimes they tattoo their skins in a manner similar to Nightbrothers. They use the dark side of the Force to perform their magick. |
Koorivar | Although classified as near-human, they are the species that is the most different from humans. They have characteristic scaly, reptilian skin, which can be green or magenta in color. They have a big cranial horn spiraling upwards from the center of their skull. |
Togrutas | Sentient humanoid species with skin colors such as blue, orange or white. Their most characteristic feature is a combination of three lekku, also known as the head tails, and two horns known as montrals, which also serve as hearing and echolocation organs, as they have no ears. Females' lekku are usually longer than the males'. They possess multiple stomachs and white patterns on their face. |
Kel Dors | Humanoid species, most notable for their unique head structure. They have four fingers and thick, leathery hide, which allows to survive the vaccuum of space for a short period of time. Outside of their planet they have to wear the masks that filter the air, due to oxygen being poisonous to them. They also wear special eye protectors which stop their eye fluids from evaporating. They are related to Gand and Tognath species. |
Cereans | Cereans are humanoid, sentient mammals, which are famous for their large, cone-like skulls that contain two brains, allowing them to see both sides of any conflict. They also possess two hearts to maintain the correct blood pressure in the brains. Their skin comes in the light tones, and their eyes are yellow. They can grow facial hair, as well as small amount of hair on the back of their heads. |
Trandoshans | Reptilian, sentient humanoids. Their skin is smooth and scaly, and it comes in many colors, such as green or orange. They have three or four fingers and three toes. They possess a jaw filled with pointed teeth. Trandoshans are known to be great hunters. They hatch from eggs. |
Wookiees | Tall, hairy humanoids. Besides their appearence, they're known for their strenght and language which consists exclusively of growls, due to their incapability to speak. Their skin is black or dark brown. Their hair is most commonly brown, but rarely it can be black, gray or white. They have a long livespan, with most specimens living for as long as a few centuries. Their hair allows them to survive cold environments. |
Nautolans | Nautolans are amphibious humanoids. They are capable of breathing both on land and underwater. Their skin comes in a variety of colors, such as green, blue or yellow. They have big, black eyes and tentacles coming out of their head. Those tentacles can detect chemicals, so Nautolans use them to read others' emotions through pheromones. |
Lasats | Lasats are tall humanoids. Their skin color is usually purple or gray, with darker stripes around the whole body. Hair is dark purple and eyes are green, yellow or blue. They are extremely strong and agile. They have big eyes and ears, which grant them better sight and hearing. Their digitigrade legs allow them to move faster and quieter than humans. Their large finger pads and prehensile toes allow them to climb with ease. |
Mon Calamari | Humanoid, amphibious species. Their skin and eyes come in a variety of different colors. They have big heads, resembling those of some fish, and webbed hands with suction cups and five claw-tipped fingers. Their feet are shapped like flippers, but they can fit into shoes designed for other humanoids. Mon Calamari are capable of living both on land and underwater. |
Weequays | Humanoid species. They're known for their tough, leathery skin which comes in colors such as brown, red, blue, and most commonly gray. They have prominent face features thanks to the shape of their skulls. They grow spikes on their lower jaw bones. They do not grow hair. |
Hutts | Hutts are sentient species resembling giant slugs. They have large, grotesque mouths, stubby arms and possess three lungs. Their leathery, tough skin is slimy and wrinkled, and comes in many colors - such as green, purple, tan or blue. Despite their adult size, young specimens start out smaller than half a meter in height. Hutts are not known to be healthy, with many suffering from genetic defects. Despite that, they can still live for centuries. Hutts are well-known gangsters throughout the galaxy. |
Zygerrians | Humanoid, feline species. Their skin is covered in fur, which can be blue, brown, gray, pink or red. They have feline face structure with distinctly big ears and eyes, which can be blue, gold, green or silver. Their ears were an inspiration for a hairstyle called Zygerrian-style faux crests. Zygerrians are known for being slave traders. |
Gungans (Otolla) | Gungans are sentient, amphibious humanoids. Otolla is one of the Gungan races. Members of that race are tall and very flexible. They can live both underwater and on land. Born as tadpoles, they grow limbs within two months of being hatched. Their eyes are set on short eye stalks and their tounges are extendable and muscular. They have long, flexible faces, due to their skulls not being made of hard bone. They possess long haillu - fin-like ears. They come in many colors, most commonly pink and orange. |
Gungans (Ankura) | Gungans of the Ankura race are similar to Otolla Gungans, but feature some major differences. Their haillu are usually shorter, and they are stockier in build. Instead of eyes being set on short stalks they are set directly on the face and have skin "hoods" over them. They are usually green, but can also be purple, brown or white. They are older than the Otolla race. |
Nikto | Nikto are a humanoid sentient species. Their skin is scaly, course and covered by spikes. There are three known subspecies of Nikto - Esral'sa'Nikto, Kadas'sa'Nikto and Kajain'sa'Nikto, also known as mountain, green and red Nikto respectively. The differences between the subspecies mostly consist of the number and size of the spikes, and the skin color. Esral'sa'Nikto have gray skin, Kadas'sa'Nikto have green skin, and Kajain'sa'Nikto have skin ranging from red to yellowish tones. |
Tholothians | Tholotians are a humanoid species. Their skin color is similar to that of humans, although slightly darker. They also possess partial blue pigmentation, usually around the eyes, lips, and on the cheeks. Their irises can be blue or indigo. They have eyebrows and eyelashes, but lack hair on top of their heads. Instead, they have fleshy tendrils which can be white or red. The top of the head itself is covered in scales. |
Iktotchi | Humanoid species most known for the two large, curved horns portruding downwards from their heads. Their skin color varied from tan to brown. Their skin was thick and tough, especially around the forehead. |
Ewoks | Ewoks are sentient, humanoid species. They are very short, about meter in height on average. They are completely covered in fur, which is most commonly brown or black. They have three toes and three fingers, including a thumb. They have large, black eyes and humanoid noses and mouths. Despite their size, they are strong enough to overpower humans. |
Kaleesh | Kaleesh are sentient, reptilian humanoids. Their skin is red and their eyes are yellow with slit pupils. Their facial features are similar to those of bats - they have flat noses and long ears. Their heads are also longer than those of humans, and they have 4 tusks growing out of their chin. Their internal organs are extremely flammable. |
Mikkians | Mikkians are a humanoid species. They are mostly similar to humans, but they differ in a few ways. Their skin can come in colors such as green, pink, yellow, red or blue. Instead of hair, they have tendrils growing out of their heads. The number and form of those tendrils varies between individuals. They can sense humidity, radiation, temperature, as well as sounds, as most Mikkians lack ears (even though, on rare occasions, specimens with pointed ears can be found). |
Pau'ans | Pau'ans are a species of tall, slim humanoids. Their skin is white or gray. They have distinct facial features - such as vertical lines on their heads and red markings, usually around the eyes, which are black or silver. They do not grow hair. Due to their carnivorous diet they possess sharp, jagged teeth. Their sensitive hearing forces them to wear special coverings on their ears. They have extremely long lifespan up to 700 years. |
Dowutins | Dowutins are large humanoids. They have extremely thick skin which is most commonly brown or orange. Their eyes are black or white, and they do not grow hair. Two tusks are portruding from their lower jaw bones. They have poor eyesight, but superior senses of smell and hearing. They never stop growing - by their fifth century they can be so big that they scare other species away just with the sound of their steps. They have extremely long lifespan. |
Siniteens | Siniteens are a humanoid species. Their skin is pale pink in color, and their eyes are yellow. Their oversized heads store a huge brain that gives them very high levels of intelligence, which they use to make complicated calculations. |
Biths | Biths are a species of intelligent humanoids. Their skin can be pink, green or white. They have big, glassy, black eyes with no eyelids. They also can't shed tears. They have hairless, domed heads. Due to their intelligence they often become scientists or engineers. They also work often as musicians, thanks to their very sensitive hearing sense. They have no noses - they smell through special organs under the skin flaps on their faces. |
Muuns | Muuns are a species of tall humanoids. Their skin is usually pale pink and their small eyes are yellow. Their skulls are elongated, and their noses are shallow - due to this they usually have a nasal speech. Their ears are also flat and small. They are known to have incredible mathematical capabilities. Thanks to this, Muuns are well-known for being bankers. |
Geonosians | Semi-insectoid species. Their build is similar to that of humanoids. They have thick exoskeleton covered in skin, which ranges from shades of orange to green. They have wings and 4 limbs - 2 arms and 2 legs. They are controlled by the queen through the public leaders of the species - but they can also make decisions on their own. They are separated by positions of warriors and drones, although drones can become warriors if they prove themselves to be worthy enough. The queen usually has 6 limbs instead of 4, and much bigger abdomen. |
Sullustans | Sullustans are a humanoid species. Their skin can be gray or pale pink. They have characteristic flaps on their cheeks, two on each side. Their eyes are big and usually black or brown. They also have very big ears. They are good manufacturers, scientists, technological developers and economists. |